Episode x - "the meeting"
The room - it is designed for max 10 people (and even with 10 people it is already quite small) - filled up with around 15 people.
And ~15 minutes after official start time the meeting began - and quite soon drifted away into a detailed chit chat about how certain specifics shall be done. At least 4 different and parallel discussion started around some paper based handouts given to the group.
I must admit I had to leave this meeting after 30 minutes as it really made no sense form me at all to stay there. Oxygene was depleting and so i ceased away ....
* no meeting which does not add any value
* no meeting with more than 7 people
* no meeting without prepared scope and agenda
* no meeting based on paper handouts
* no meeting longer than 30 minutes
* no meeting in tiny rooms without air